Jazz Dreams

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Jazz Dreams

About seven years ago, I was visiting my hometown in the Philippines for the first time in a long, long time.  It was wonderful to catch up with my high school friends and chatting with them felt like the years in between never happened. 


Then I went back to where our old house used to be and where my nephew and his family now lives.  Getting closer to the house, I was shocked at the poverty I witnessed.  It was never liked that before.  Sure, there were those who were struggling but, generally, the town was doing well and there were small businesses that were flourishing.  This time, the local rice mill was gone and even the local church was closed. 


Looking out of the old house along the length of the railway tracks, I noticed a long line of squatter dwellings for as far as the eyes could see.  I was told that the train from the city to Manila was no longer running.  Neither were the commuter trains.  In its place, people devised a platform that they pushed with long poles on each side along the tracks.  This was and still is used to transport the people living on each side of the railway tracks.


It was heartbreaking.  It was at that moment I decided that I would do my best to help as many families as I could.  Project “Share the Blessings” was born.  Twice a year, I would send boxes filled with canned goods, biscuits, chocolates, clothes (both new and pre-loved) for both children and adults, and toys.  With the help of my nephew and my friends, we would pack bags with the goodies and distribute them to the really disadvantaged families. 


We started with 50 families and eventually, we reached up to 200 adults and a big number of children.  Our last campaign was on July 2019 and Covid 19 made it very difficult to distribute our goods.  It is now 2022. 


Soon we will be able to continue to “Share the Blessings.”


So why Jazz Dreams? 

“Jazz” because it’s an upbeat, forceful, upbeat and uplifting music.  When you hear the beat of a jazz music you can’t help but tap your foot with the tempo.  The happy tempo always gives me hope that nothing is impossible, that everything is achievable.


“Dreams” because it started as a dream… then it became a lifelong goal.  I believe we have to keep dreaming, so we can set up goals and continue to be inspired. To have a reason to get up in the morning, to aspire for something, build it from scratch and watch it grow.  Dream.


Jazz Dreams was born out of the desire to help people from my hometown.  Then it evolved into creating and developing products that would help people with chronic pain live better lives.  Through our stores, our goal is to provide people with items that could enhance not just their physical well-being but also their mental and emotional well-being.


A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of our products are going towards the “Share the Blessings” project.


We hope that you would support our stores to help us to achieve our dream of helping the poor families in the Philippines and also provide comfort to the people around the world who are suffering from chronic pain whether as a result of physical injuries or other things.


Sharing our Blessings